Sabtu, 23 November 2013

English assesment: analytical exposition

Topic : social media brings more good than harm

Internet every where!!!

Yeah in this century we can found internet every where like in the restaurant, school, until toilet have a free wifi. it's amazing, we can search at google when we are pee. But actually if internet have positive think, internet also have negative think

Many of internet user always have an account for social media, in social media they always speak, read, and listen about another people who use internet for social media. It's interisting because you can get information about the world just with an handphone, laptop, or tablet with internet service and you will get that information. But the negative think will appear if everybody already use it for crime

The postive think about social media:

The positives :
  1. people are more connected one to another. Today, you can have a chat with a person that live 1 million kilometers from you. 
  2. things that hard to find in the '70s are so much easier today. 
  3. buying and selling. nowadays, people use online shopping. things that hard to find in your country, you can buy it on another. ebay is an example of a buying and selling site. Some sellers sometimes include free shipping, which makes it cheaper.
  4. You can get information all about the world with social media
The negatives:
  1. uncontrolled content. nowadays, people share almost everything on social media, including the food they're eating.what makes it bad is that some people share things that are not meant to be shared.
  2. people are more closed
  3. They can know about another people secret
  4. in every where they can't focus about working or studying. They always chatting with another people with handphone.
My Conclusion:

 Every body was free to use internet or social media. But they must know what social media for and don't too alay if you want sahre about your information. And if teh information is not interisting, don't share that information. So use internet for positve think, don't use for "Internet Positive"


SMAN 3 gives a scholarship for 100 students of Junior High School. The following requirements should be noticed :

- High interest in English and Maths
- Certified for IT course, including Office, Photoshop, Coreldraw, Autocad

It is also allowed for Headmaster of the school to give recommendation letter to make the grantee accepted.

For further details, visit our blogsite at

  1. Who does give a scholarship for student?
  2. How many students who can get the scholarship?
  3. What are the following reqruiments should be noticed:
  4. Who can allowed to give reccomendation letter?
  5. What will we do if we want another details?

Sabtu, 09 November 2013

About Myself

Hello there!!
My name is Faisal Akbar.  I was born in Indonesia,West Java, Bandung, 16 Mei 1997. Now, I'm studying at 3 Senior High School in Bandung. Same with where I was born. Actually, before I'm Studying at 3 Senior High School, I'm studying at 1 Senior High School. I think I like both Senior High School, because I have soo many friends in there. And I can laugh whatever I want because of my friends. I like them very well

I like playing baskteball. I can do basketball very well. But if I am playing football. I'm the worst player football in the world. Yeah, it's because I never practice about football. But I like sportvery well. Sport is one of my hobbies. my anoter hobbies are sleep, playing game, and reading. I like do it something if that can make me happy and laugh. I love it.

I live at Dago Asri street number 10. I usually late because I always feel my school is close enough from my home. BUt actually is so far away. So I use my motorcycle to go to school on time. But I don't always late if I woke up in the morning at 4 o'clock. When I wakeup at that time I'll pray tahajjud first before I'm going to school